Free access to online Leaving Cert text books from CJ Fallon

Got this from CJ Fallon school book publishers today. Click the link in the text below to acces the ebooks.

The postponement of the Leaving Certificate exams until late July and August and the ongoing closure of schools have created significant difficulties for students. This really is a challenging time for students, parents and teachers.

CJ Fallon wants to help.

We want to play our part in making life easier for students and their parents, and, therefore, are delighted to offer FREE online access to our entire range of Extra! revision books. No strings attached.

These books are exam-focused and comprehensive. Written by experienced teachers, they are designed to improve the student’s performance and to help them secure the highest possible marks in their Leaving Cert exams.

To access all ten books in the Extra! series, click on the following link:

Wishing you all the very best,

The team at CJ Fallon

Publishing high-quality books for Irish schools for 125 years.

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